trust - love - respect 

Past Lives - Maxine Murphy-Silva

Maxine Silva (or Maxine Murphy, as some still know her) has a fascinating life and an even more fascinating past. Learn more about her previous lives on this page.

About the Author

Maxine Silva

A Medical Educator and international NGO Development Consultant, her areas of expertise range from Women’s Health, Children’s Liver Disease, Organ Transplantation/Donation, Breast Cancer Awareness, Addiction and Cross Cultural Communications.

She has worked in the office of Dr Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State and on collaborative projects with former US President Ronald Reagan, US Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop, Pope John Paul II and numerous illustrious personalities and film stars.

Her communication style is one of free flow and interaction with her audience. Her motto “Knowing How, When and Why to say What to Whom” translates into a cultured and refined approach to dealing with people. Her primary interest is in elevating the self-esteem of women, especially young girls.

Presently living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Maxi is available to speak to people across the globe. She employs freedom of expression in an atmosphere of security, mutual understanding and respect, enabling her audience to share from the heart. Her mission is one of Peace and Love through Communication and Compassion!   

Her selection of poetry, portraiture and personal photographs are an autobiographical sketch of her life’s journey. Her artistic creations have been channeled through her and consequently, she has put “pen to paper” or rather “fingers to keyboard” and "brush to canvas" for others’ appreciation and enjoyment.
